I totally understand where you're coming from. They also took George out of the game, which again, didn't hurt the plotline, although I did appreciate her crush on Nicholas. Maya being a reporter makes much more sense than Bess just hoping Brady won't be weirded out by a random girl he went to school with five years earlier in his personal area.

The character of Maya from the game is actually Bess. But in this case, I felt like they stayed pretty close to the original. If anything, I should be critiquing the game for changing the story so much.

Just like when I read The Treasure in the Royal Tower earlier this month, I had to remind myself that the game was based off of the book, not the other way around. Having played that game countless times, I wanted to read the book to see how similar the characters and plot were to the game.
This is the book that HeR Interactive based their fifth game in their PC game series off of. But I'm not here to critique the entire series-just this book. Honestly, I feel like if they didn't add their definition of a heart throb for Bess to fall in love with in every story, the book would be 40 pages long. I'm not sure if these are just to make the story more interesting, or drag out the mystery. Besides the mystery, these books focus mainly on romances subplots that never go past that current book. Besides the Nancy Drew on Campus series, this series is probably the most "adult" Nancy Drew book series. This book was released in 1989, and is part of the Nancy Drew Files series. The race is suddenly on to find Bess and keep the demolition from happening to keep her friend safe. This missing persons case soon turned into a kidnapping when Nancy receives a threatening message telling her that if she ever wants to see Bess alive again, she will have to find a way to stop the theater from being demolished. When she makes the "extremely smart" decision to go in his dressing room uninvited to surprise him, she ends up missing. While Nancy and George are excited to see the film, Bess is more excited about seeing Brady, hoping he will remember her from high school.
Nancy, Bess, and George go to the Century Cinema to see the premier of a movie staring Brady Armstrong, and up and coming actor from River Heights. This missing persons case soon turned into a kidnapping when Nancy receives Here's the 4-1-1. The book also had a cameo from Brenda Carlton (featured in the Alibi in Ashes game).more The game turns Simon Mueller, talent agent, into Simone. The book had extra characters Deirdre and Bart. A lot of plot points and danger are the same between the two versions, although the game has this history with Harry Houdini that the book never had. It's nice to know that Nancy finds pizza boxes because the culprit is too scared to leave to buy groceries-it's the little things.

One thing the book did for me was clarify things I never fully understood in the game. Who wouldn't want to know all the similarities and differences between the book and the games? I had to do an inter-library loan to get my hands on this baby. It's nice to know that Nancy finds pizza boxes because the culprit is too scared to leave to buy groceries-it's the little th As a huge Nancy Drew fan, I'm really surprised that the games haven't made the books (specifically the case files) more popular. Who wouldn't want to know all the similarities and differences between the book and the games? One thing the book did for me was clarify things I never fully understood in the game. As a huge Nancy Drew fan, I'm really surprised that the games haven't made the books (specifically the case files) more popular.